Rosie M. Soohoo

Rosie was born and raised in San Francisco Chinatown. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley, with degrees in physiology, law, east asian studies, and educational counseling. Although not an engineer by trade, Rosie co-produced a number of projects salient to the school of engineering in tandem with Ron. When Ron was gestating his first book (and Rosie their first child) Rosie declared she would not type up any manuscript of Ron’s that she couldn't understand herself. This book became so wildly popular that it set the standard for all his books moving forward.

Part of Ron’s job as Founding Chair of the Electrical Engineering Department entailed hiring faculty.  The city of Davis in 1964 was just beginning to develop, and didn’t have much to offer at the time. Rosie was famous for the fabulous cocktail receptions and dinner parties in their residence on behalf of the department that helped attract excellent talent to UC Davis, and foster a sense of camaraderie among the faculty.  

As part of her duties as Chairman's Spouse, Rosie also created community among departmental spouses by introducing them to the first UC Davis recognized campus support group. She was both treasurer and later President (1969) of the campus women's group called the University Farm Circle (UFC).

In 2015 Ron's former student, Francis Lee - the benefactor that funded these two laboratories - asked Ron and Rosie to think of ideas beyond the Soohoo-Lee Fellowship that would make a difference to the college.  It was Rosie who conceived of and designed the Lee Lounge for the UC Davis School of Engineering which Francis dedicated to his wife, Evelyn Lee.  This faculty space created for rest, socializing, and collaboration is the first of its kind anywhere on campus.

Although Ron passed on in 2022 at the age of 94, Rosie, at 85 was thrilled to participate in the dedication and opening ceremony for ECE teaching labs 2110 and 2155 on April 7, 2023.   On behalf of herself and Ron, she thanks Francis and Evelyn Lee, ECE Chair Andre Knoesen, and all who not only recognize their legacy but continue to create and envision a brighter future of this Engineering College that both of them so dearly love. 

  • Loyal Daughter

  • Loving Wife & Partner

  • Dedicated Mother

  • UFC President and Treasurer

  • K-12 Educator

  • Curious Student

  • Lee Lounge Designer

  • Adventurous Traveler

  • Davis Chinese Association Member